The Impact of Oral Cancer on Quality of Life: Speech, Eating, and Appearance
Oral cancer refers to cancers that develop in the tissues of the mouth. This includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard palate, soft palate and underside of the tongue. Oral cancer is a serious disease that, if left untreated, can cause severe harm to quality of life and even be life threatening. According to statistics, over 90% of oral cancers are of the squamous cell carcinoma type which develops from the flat, squamous cells that line the inside of the mouth.
Causes of Oral Cancer
The main causes for oral cancer include lifestyle habits like tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. Chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, pipes or cigars on a regular basis increases the risk significantly as they expose the mouth’s tissues to cancer-causing agents over many years. Other documented risk factors are HPV (human papillomavirus) infection, poor oral hygiene, age (over 45 years), genetic predisposition and dietary deficiencies. It is crucial to consult the Best Oncologist in Pune if you are at the higher risk of developing oral cancer.
Impact on Quality of Life
Being diagnosed with oral cancer comes with immense physical, psychological and social challenges that severely impact quality of living. Some of the main areas affected include speech, eating and appearance.
Speech: Cancers located in the tongue, throat or vocal cords can impair speech. Post-surgery or after radiation/chemotherapy, scar tissues may form that hinder clear pronunciation. Speaking becomes slurred or the voice grows hoarse at times. This has a demoralizing effect on confidence and social interactions.
Eating: Cancers in the mouth make it difficult to chew, swallow food or have a proper diet. The ability to eat is fundamental to quality of life, health and nutrition. However, oral cancers interfere with this important function causing weight loss, pain and challenges in having balanced meals. Taste buds could also be affected reducing enjoyment of food.
Appearance: Visible oral cancers or their disfiguring treatment procedures deeply impact facial aesthetics and appearance. Surgery often means removal of parts of the mouth, tongue or lips. Radiation leaves burn marks that permanently change features. This change in looks influences self-image and emotional wellbeing. Social anxieties may develop due to altered physicality.
Oral Cancer Treatment Options at Galaxy Care Hospital
Galaxy Care Hospital is one of the Best Cancer Hospitals in Pune, Maharashtra. We have qualified surgeons and oncologists experienced in multidisciplinary management of head and neck cancers including oral cancer. Some of the key treatment options available here for oral cancer are:
- Laparoscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures performed with small incisions and a laparoscope, like removal of cancerous tongue or tonsils. Faster recovery. Consult the Best Cancer Surgeon in Pune.
- Advanced Robotic Surgery: Da Vinci robotic surgical system helps perform intricate procedures like reconstructive surgeries for oral cancer with enhanced accuracy, flexibility and magnification.
- Radiation Therapy: Precise high doses of radiation are delivered to kill cancer cells while avoiding healthy tissues for substantial cure rates with minimal side effects.
- Chemotherapy: Anticancer drugs are administered systemically or locally via perfusion to eliminate any remaining cancer or prevent recurrence.
Our experienced multidisciplinary team works to preserve functions and restore quality of life through rehabilitation therapies post-treatment as well. Galaxy Care Hospital aims to deliver world-class cancer care for complete recovery.
The Bottom Line
Oral cancer poses serious difficulties as it can negatively impact speech, eating and appearance if left unaddressed. However, early detection through regular self-exams and medical checkups followed by prompt treatment can help reduce its most debilitating effects. Seeing the Best Oncologist in Pune at early signs allows benign or pre-cancerous lesions to be removed before they worsen. Making timely intervention a priority is thus important to regain satisfactory quality of life. At Galaxy Care Hospital, we are here with the experienced team and state-of-the-art facilities to provide comprehensive care for oral cancer patients. Feel free to book your appointment today!