Training Courses at Galaxy Care Hospital Pune

Surgery By National Board of Examinations
New Delhi


All types of Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery and advanced minimally invasive procedures are being performed Galaxy Care Hospital, ranging from simple surgeries like Lap Appendicectomy, Lap. Hysterectomy,Lap. Cholecystectomy , Lap fundoplication to complicated surgeries like Thoracoscopic esophagectomy, Lap. Whipples, Lap. Radical Hysterectomy (Pune Technique), Lap cystoprostaectomies. Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar has been the pioneer of Laparoscopic Cancer Surgeries in India and thousands of cancer patients from ll over India have been benefited after he single-handedly introduced and developed these advanced laparoscopic techniques. For his pioneering work in Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery, on an international level, Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar has been awarded the “Distinguished Surgeon’s Award”, at the “International Surgical Olympics” at Beijing China in the year 2009. Not only this, but Galaxy Care Hospital is a leader on the new frontiers of medical science. This includes NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) and SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgeries).
The SILS performed at Galaxy Care Hospital include: Single Incision Appendicectomy, Single Incision Hysterectomy, Single Incision Cholecystectomy and Single Incision Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy- the first ever to be performed in the world!! Being operated at a specialized centre, geared up to the latest technologies like the Intelligent Operating Room, confers to the patient the benefits of High definition cameras, improved ergonomics, better data management with more efficient personal utilisation, thus optimising surgeon control and enabling new procedures.
Galaxycare Laparoscopic Training Centre provides courses in Laparoscopic Suturing Skills, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery, Operative Laparoscopy and Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery.
Galaxycare Laparoscopic Training Centre provide training on SILS, Two port Cholecystectomy, Two port Hernia, Two port LAVH, Urological Single incision laparoscopic surgery.
I welcome you to Galaxy Laparoscopic Training Centre, a premier Institute for Advanced Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy originated way back in the 1980’s and was mainly used as a diagnostic modality .It has, over a period of years, evolved into a primary modality for surgery. All the conventional open surgeries are now being performed by Laparoscopy /Key-hole surgeries. With the advancement in optics and energy sources, and with increasing abilities of surgeons, an increasing number of these surgeries are being performed and the feasibility has been proven in all tumors.”
We, at Galaxy Care Hospital were one of the first to recognize the advantages of laparoscopy in Cancer surgery. Thus since 2003, we have performed all types of Cancer surgeries laparoscopically. The pioneering work has been in Oesophagical cancer & cervical cancers. In fact, the Lap Radical Hysterectomy for cancer cervix, goes by the name of our city and is known as the “PUNE TECHNIQUE”.
We have also started performing NOTES and single port surgeries and we were the first to do single port radical Hysterectomy.